Thank you for selecting BP Tracker-Daily Health Trend Monitor ("the App"). This Privacy Policy details our procedures for collecting, utilizing, and safeguarding your personal information when utilizing our App. By downloading and using the App, you agree to the practices outlined in this policy. 


Information We Collect

1. Blood Pressure Data: Users have the option to input and save their blood pressure measurements when using the App. This data is stored exclusively on the user's device and is not shared with our servers.

2. Health Data: Users may input supplementary health information, such as heart rate or medication schedules, which is stored locally on their device.

3. Device Information: We collect device-specific details, such as device type, operating system, and unique identifiers, to assist in troubleshooting technical problems and enhancing the App's functionality.




Use of Information

We utilize the collected information for the following purposes:

1. Health Monitoring: To assist in tracking and monitoring blood pressure and overall health.

2. App Improvement: To improve and optimize the performance of the application.

3. Technical Support: To offer customer support and resolve any technical issues.



Data Security

At our company, we prioritize the security of data, particularly regarding health information. Your personal health data is stored locally on your device, with no access by us. We have implemented effective security measures to safeguard your data from unauthorized access or disclosure.


Regarding the sharing of information, we do not disclose your personal health data to third parties. All data is exclusively stored on your device.


It is important to note that Blood Pressure - Health Monitor is not designed for individuals under 13 years of age. We do not knowingly gather personal information from children. In the event that we unintentionally obtain personal information from a child under 13, we will promptly remove it from our records.


Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update our Privacy Policy in order to align with any changes in our procedures or legal obligations. We recommend that you regularly check this page for any updates. By continuing to utilize the App after the revised Privacy Policy becomes effective, you are indicating your acceptance of the modifications.


Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our privacy practices, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We will make every effort to promptly address any inquiries you may have. 


By utilizing BP Tracker-Daily Health Trend Monitor, you are acknowledging that you have reviewed and comprehended this Privacy Policy, and consent to the collection, utilization, and sharing of your information as detailed within this document.